I appreciate those of you who took the time to read and especially to those who made the effort to provide comments both on this Blog site, but also and perhaps especially those comments shared -- in person. Of most importance to me was actually seeing a few of my thoughts/ideas take root. It becomes obvious pretty quickly those of you who approach things such as this with an open mind and those of you who are ripe for new ideas and new approaches. I appreciate you!
I stated in more than one Blog post that things in our IT group are and were going to change. Stay tuned folks, more change looms on the horizon... I'm very excited about these developments and firmly believe they get us closer to "having the right people in the right seats on the bus" and in turn position us for helping move Conservation forward from a technology perspective!
Thx again for you time, efforts, and I pray that each of you have gleaned something from these ramblings in the past that will help move Conservation and YOU forward...