"Everything rises or falls on leadership."
John Maxwell

"The scope and scale of the ability to Lead is defined by the demonstration of the commitment to Serve."
J E Garr III

'The leader of the past was a person who told,’ Peter Drucker once said. ‘The leader of the future will be a person who asks.’
Robert Kramer, director, exec ed programs, American University


"Leadership is about change. It’s about taking people from where they are now to where they need to be. The best way to get people to venture into unknown terrain is to make it desirable by taking them there in their imaginations.”
Noel Tichy, "The Leadership Engine"

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thought of the Week...

Question: What is the main difference between high-performing and low performing IT organizations?

Ans: How they handle change.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Not the business of old...

Hmmm...so I guess we're not the first to talk about stretching ourselves to provide value to the business.... A little read that helps paint a pretty clear picture about IT's role in an Org. and how its perceived. Guess the old ways of "just doing what you're told" are over or at least coming to the point of having no value...


Friday, November 9, 2007

Reality Check...

An comment I've heard spoken many times in a variety of situations--and typically not used in a positive context: "They think they are God's gift to ....." It appears that those who may believe they are that gift....may not be based in reality, so says prof at Cornell. An interesting read on the (in)ability to evaluate ourselves.... Perhaps there's some take home points for many of us. I know there were a few specific points that rang true for me.

Perhaps the most important take away is to be open-minded....always leave the door open a little...because there's a chance that you just may not "be all that." Recognizing that we have room for improvement is the basic building block towards improvement and growth. Without that, programs/growth/development stagnates.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Within MDC’s IT group, we believe in ability, not seniority. This means when you join us as a team member, you ultimately determine your rewards and compensation based on your performance, not years of service. We also believe you are at your best when you control your work. That’s why the Supervisory staff here focus on work flow and strategic direction. You’ll make your own decisions and you’ll plan your own day, every day. And excelling here doesn’t require a PHD degree or 20 years background in Conservation or Information Technology.

Anyone interested in making this a SOP?


Friday, November 2, 2007

The Requirements of the Job....

I often wrestle with my feelings of expectations as it relates to the work environment. Questions I often ask myself include: as a Supervisor--- Am I being realistic?.... Am I pushing too hard?....Am I doing what the company is paying me to do?.... Do I provide the tools necessary for people to do their job and then get out of the way?....Am I being fair?....and another common question I ask: Does the staff I current supervise make efforts to improve themselves....

I'd like to focus on the last question..... Certainly when staff members are hired, they are typically hired for an existing skill set. A sum of money and benefits (value) are assigned to that person and expectations to perform is expected. What's interesting to me is that over the course of time, "most" employees expect salary adjustments to the positive side with at least an annual occurrence. Why?...I would ask. Are you doing more work? Have you acquired new skill sets that add value to the employer? What is the reason you "deserve" more money?

Seems to me if the salary agreement was made based upon the perceived value you could provide at that time with your existing skill set...then salary shouldn't change...unless you change too! So, looking at it from that perspective, one could argue that unless you are doing more work, providing more value in some way, etc....then your salary should NOT change. You aren't worth anymore ....right?

Often my experience has been that the expectation from some employees is that at minimum....an annual raise in pay is expected/demanded. Is that fair to the Employer? I'd challenge that it is not....I would offer that it is an inherent responsibility of each and every employee to take it upon themselves to grow each and every year.... The old adage of "if you keep on doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting," sure seems to apply in this case. No new skills or responsibilities...then no new money. ....Seems pretty simple to me.

So, I'd challenge each of us to make the effort to improve ourselves day in and day out....that is where the value to Conservation really lies. If we all remain with the same skill set as the day we were hired....then Conservation is in real trouble. Make the time to invest in yourself...find ways to improve your knowledge and your skill set....GROW. That's my expectation...the effort is yours to make....not the Agency's to force. Take responsibility for your future....today.



Attention Development Staff....ya` know anything about Thrift? The read would indicate one of the Greatest companies of recent times, Google (yes, this is a personal opinion), is interested in how it will help move their progressive company forward.

What's your take...any application/potential for our future? Any concepts to take from it that help us do things differently....better?