"Everything rises or falls on leadership."
John Maxwell

"The scope and scale of the ability to Lead is defined by the demonstration of the commitment to Serve."
J E Garr III

'The leader of the past was a person who told,’ Peter Drucker once said. ‘The leader of the future will be a person who asks.’
Robert Kramer, director, exec ed programs, American University


"Leadership is about change. It’s about taking people from where they are now to where they need to be. The best way to get people to venture into unknown terrain is to make it desirable by taking them there in their imaginations.”
Noel Tichy, "The Leadership Engine"

Friday, November 2, 2007


Attention Development Staff....ya` know anything about Thrift? The read would indicate one of the Greatest companies of recent times, Google (yes, this is a personal opinion), is interested in how it will help move their progressive company forward.

What's your take...any application/potential for our future? Any concepts to take from it that help us do things differently....better?


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