No secret to anyone who is reading this Blog that I tend to challenge readers to grow....to stretch beyond themselves and their current responsibilities. I'm fascinated by improvements, growth in this case and how we as humans can accomplish the feat. I firmly believe in order to improve...one must grow...in some form or fashion. We improve at something because we try harder, practice more, learn something new.....AHA! LEARN SOMETHING NEW....let's look at that one for a minute. How do you learn something new? Do you gain the knowledge from listening, watching, mimicking, osmosis, reading...?? I think you can gain/grow from all of those experiences, but one of the most professed way to grow is by READING.
When you read you gain insight and/or information. Assimilating that information into your life in a positive way can help you grow as a person....a professional. I tend to hear quite a bit from Technical Staffers that they "just don't have time to read..." My personal perspective is that --They don't make the time to read. I would argue that reading and/or choosing to grow is a conscious choice that each of make. Not making the effort or taking the time to stay abreast of the world around you...IMHO is a mistake.
Certainly as the situation applies to the Technical World we live/work in....it's a huge mistake and can cost greatly. That cost can range from a competitive advantage in the work place, to costing you a promoting due to an aged skill set and even to the release from work detail because of the reluctance to learn the skill set that is required. Technology is about change....how else can we stay on top of change without growing or acquiring new knowledge?
My thoughts are that everyone in the technical field should be reading (Blogs, trade mags, etc) about things that impact their work. We are hired into the work force because we have a certain skill set that was needed at that time....employees expecting those needs to never change or morph are living in a dream world---employers expect staffers to grow....to continue to add value--otherwise every job would be a term position. This world changes....a personal look at your life would point out how much things have changed over the course of your life.
The point....READ! ASK QUESTIONS! LISTEN! Improve your skill set---Technology is moving forward and if you wish to be a part of it...you should be moving forward WITH it....not being dragged along with it!
A side note: Interesting read here about the Future IT worker.