"Everything rises or falls on leadership."
John Maxwell

"The scope and scale of the ability to Lead is defined by the demonstration of the commitment to Serve."
J E Garr III

'The leader of the past was a person who told,’ Peter Drucker once said. ‘The leader of the future will be a person who asks.’
Robert Kramer, director, exec ed programs, American University


"Leadership is about change. It’s about taking people from where they are now to where they need to be. The best way to get people to venture into unknown terrain is to make it desirable by taking them there in their imaginations.”
Noel Tichy, "The Leadership Engine"

Monday, August 18, 2008

End of This Era...

After one year, three months and fifteen days......The time has arrived that I've decided to no longer publish to this Blog. While numbers of the "readership" have remained steady, it's always difficult to determine if anyone is receiving any value from the Blog. It's important to me to provide value, so I'm making a decision now to move on from this particular Blog. It's undecided as to whether or not I'll develop another Blog in an effort to reach out and share my thoughts along similar lines to this one...

I appreciate those of you who took the time to read and especially to those who made the effort to provide comments both on this Blog site, but also and perhaps especially those comments shared -- in person. Of most importance to me was actually seeing a few of my thoughts/ideas take root. It becomes obvious pretty quickly those of you who approach things such as this with an open mind and those of you who are ripe for new ideas and new approaches. I appreciate you!

I stated in more than one Blog post that things in our IT group are and were going to change. Stay tuned folks, more change looms on the horizon... I'm very excited about these developments and firmly believe they get us closer to "having the right people in the right seats on the bus" and in turn position us for helping move Conservation forward from a technology perspective!

Thx again for you time, efforts, and I pray that each of you have gleaned something from these ramblings in the past that will help move Conservation and YOU forward...


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Stretch Yourself...

Wisdom can reveal itself in many ways and from many walks.... Consider this--

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, all is ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, rising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

I have learned deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets: "Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!'"
-William Hutchinson Murray
The Scottish Himalayan Expedition
No doubt, to some of you....the above makes perfect sense... YOU are exactly what we need to move this Agency forward. We need you...we need your thoughts, ideas, motivation....your DREAMS! The sky is the limit...step up and be bold.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Leadership - "Character vs Skills"

Leadership....that very word conjures up many, many different thoughts from everyone of us. Give that word some thought....take a few minutes, right here, right now and think about what that word means to you. Determine your definition of the word...define what this word means to you. I believe eventually if you do think about it...your definition will boil down to attributes related to character traits or skill set.

A recent article I ran across found here gives a pretty healthy description and frankly some well intentioned advice on the topic. While the article may not be for everyone...as no doubt we all know someone might take exception to the Christian references...so be it. I believe what is stated and this is...my blog. So for those of you brave enough to read it...I think there is some perspective there that is worth considering....

So, for those of you who did read...now what do you think? Has your definition of Leadership changed? Do you have a different perspective of what Leadership is? Perhaps your perspective has changed and perhaps it hasn't...it doesn't matter. What I do think matters is that you are exposed to it..the thoughts..the perspective offered. After all, none of us can have too much information in order to make good sound decisions and plot the best course.

What does this have to do with Technical Services that this blog is supposed to be about?? Well, frankly, if I even have to answer that question for you....then you are indeed on the "wrong bus."
