"Everything rises or falls on leadership."
John Maxwell

"The scope and scale of the ability to Lead is defined by the demonstration of the commitment to Serve."
J E Garr III

'The leader of the past was a person who told,’ Peter Drucker once said. ‘The leader of the future will be a person who asks.’
Robert Kramer, director, exec ed programs, American University


"Leadership is about change. It’s about taking people from where they are now to where they need to be. The best way to get people to venture into unknown terrain is to make it desirable by taking them there in their imaginations.”
Noel Tichy, "The Leadership Engine"

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Are You ...Out of Touch?

I ran across an interesting article in a recent edition of the CIO Insight ezine. The article discusses a number of points and centers around staying current on a number of fronts. Certainly in the work that we do...staying current is absolutely critical! Not keeping pace with the changing technology and trying to understand how it can add value to the work our Agency performs is a guaranteed meal ticket to a job....somewhere else.

The expectation that comes with our job, our line of work, is that we stay current....stay abreast and informed. We must also have the ability to digest the new information and try to see where that new idea/technology fits into our future.

The article lists seven signs that would indicate you (we) are...out of touch:

1) Research is considered to be a waste of time. "We have been very successful and our experience speaks for itself."
2) Lack of critical thinking. "That may work well within such and such an organization, but we are different."
3) An inability to take constructive criticism and lack of respect for varied opinions. "We are the originators of this method/product/theory. Who are they/you to question us?"
4) Maintaining a positive image at all costs. "What would people think of us if this didn't work as expected?"
5) Lack of effective practice. "We have been advised by the best minds in the business. We can skip the experimental phase."
6) Blind faith in experts and top executives. "How can we go wrong? These people have worked with the top companies around the world for years."
7) An aversion to introspection. "We don't need that fuzzy self-examination of feelings, thoughts and motives around here. We are practical people."

So, what say you?...Do you see any of these signs within our group? Do YOU exhibit any of them? I've heard it said, the best way to treat a problem is to admit you have a problem... Let's look hard at who and what we are...can we make some changes that will change/improve our work life, our work productivity? Even better...do you have suggested that can help move us forward? Thoughts that would help us add value to Conservation?

I challenge each of you to critically evaluate yourself...are you staying current with the technology...no I mean really staying current--not just know that Microsoft has a new OS out there. Are you forcing yourself to learn more, to find new ways....Likely we would all benefit from reading more, asking more questions, keeping our eyes and ears open for opportunities to move Conservation forward from a Technology perspective....Commit yourself towards improving your knowledge and understanding....you and MDC will benefit as a result.

to check out original: http://www.cioinsight.com/article2/0,1540,2127750,00.asp


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