"Everything rises or falls on leadership."
John Maxwell

"The scope and scale of the ability to Lead is defined by the demonstration of the commitment to Serve."
J E Garr III

'The leader of the past was a person who told,’ Peter Drucker once said. ‘The leader of the future will be a person who asks.’
Robert Kramer, director, exec ed programs, American University


"Leadership is about change. It’s about taking people from where they are now to where they need to be. The best way to get people to venture into unknown terrain is to make it desirable by taking them there in their imaginations.”
Noel Tichy, "The Leadership Engine"

Friday, May 25, 2007

Too Old?

I read a blog recently titled Is 30 too old to start a company? I found it interesting to equate the entrepreneurial spirit (ability) primarily with age.

For much of my life I have fought against age being used as a determining or defining factor for many of the things I wanted to do. For instance, as a boy, I wanted to do some of the things my older sisters were doing—“No, you are too young.” As a Junior High student I wanted to play varsity basketball, “No, you have to be older; you have to be in high school.” As a freshman in High School, I wanted to drive, “No, you have to be 16 (older).” As an employee entering the work force, I was interested in upper level positions in the Organization and was told, “No, you don’t have enough experience.” Funny how in all those instances, there were assumptions being made that just because someone was “older” that there was more value to that…. Looking back, I still feel that I had similar if not more abilities to perform adequately at the next level…than some of the existing people who were doing what I wanted to do.

The angle of the recent read is that as you grow older you become less idealistic….less able to think outside the box---to dream…to create. They cite specific examples of leading entrepreneurs and they younger age. (chart on this page). I say HOGWASH! Abilities can and should be proven...not assumed! While there are certainly valid points about age and circumstances that make GOOD sense to limit to a specific age (Social Security), the thought that good ideas and/or new ideas are limited primarily to the younger folks isn’t accurate. I tend to think the limiting factor is more a matter of drive and determination that an age thing. In addition, why is it even tied to how old you are?…that takes me back to my personal experiences. Shouldn’t I be judged on my ability and capabilities, regardless of my age or how much experience I have? To dismiss anyone just because they don’t meet your traditional ideology of someone representative of that position is foolish and quite likely a mistake.

Where are you on this subject?.... Because of your age are you less idealistic?....less able to come up with new solutions…be creative? Are you judgmental of new ideas, thoughts, or approaches because they come from much younger or older folks?

“Is 30 too old…”? I’d argue that it's circumstances in life that dictate less “older” folks are in the entrepreneurial world. Many past the age of mid 20’s are married, kids, etc. Some indeed have lost their fight, vigor. Other issues that occupy their time…it isn’t that they can’t or don’t think that way. They certainly can and do; it’s all a matter of priorities.

As we chart our future, I encourage all to break down the barriers of preconceived notions. Judge others or their projects on its’ own merit and less on tradition. Expand your thought processes and step outside what you view as “the role” you are supposed to be playing as a 47 year old male…or 22 year old female…and figure out where you can add the most value. Don’t accept the labels of you are too young or too old….challenge the thought, prove them wrong.

While I did not win all of the battles I fought when confronted with the “age thing” …I did win a few and I have to say…those were sweet victories. When given the opportunity to be able to prove yourself and to be able to do it…wow what a feeling! The people who took that chance on me and gave me the opportunity quickly earned my respect, trust and full support. …sure go ahead tell me I can’t because of my age…I dare you….


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