I wondered, is that a good thing...? Most definitely in the work place, I'm convinced that I'm not interested in "clones." While there are great advantages to having some similarities in certain areas, (hard working, dedication, commitment), there is still greater value in having surrounded yourself with those of different skill sets. My belief is that a good leader/manager will "hire towards their weakness"....that is, hire folks who have the skills in areas you do not. For instance, if you are strong in logic then hire someone who is strong in creativity; if you are rash or quick to react then hire someone who is more methodical.

...now back to Harry....I continued my thinking about the work force in Technology Services.... I asked myself are we clones? ...do we all think alike? Quite similar to the outcome in Harry's song, (growing up just like me) and having a non-diverse work force or not taking advantage of the diversity..... is NOT a good thing
My conclusion is that no we are not clones....we do have DIVERSITY represented in our group. We have different skill sets represented, different styles, different goals/likes/dislikes/tastes/motivation/interests...etc. That is a good thing! As different as we may be...we are all similar in one distinct way---our desire to work for MDC. That fact has brought us all together in this place.
We should capitalize on taking advantages of our differences, but focus on utilizing what makes us the same....our desire to see MDC succeed. We should understand and recognize what makes each of us different and devise ways to utilize those differences to improve our output...our product...our service. For example, as a Developer, say you're writing code to help with a waterfowl hunter check in/out and bag check system and you've never hunted ducks. We have staff members who have....visit with them, understand how duck hunters think, understand the obstacles, the opportunities that present themselves....and as a result perhaps the application will be even better because you have a new level of understanding. The diversity of whom we have on staff can and will help in those cases.
We are a diverse group of individuals who share many common interests and the most common denominator of which is that we all work and love Conservation. Let's use that common bond to fully utilize our diverse skills, our unique personalities, our different abilities. I guarantee that if we do that, our products will improve.....noticeably.
So the challenge to each of us is--- what can we bring to the table to add value to this group. Each of us should understand our own strengths and develop the ability to see where those skill sets fit into the Team. Be an active part of the Team and use your different skills/experiences to improve the work we do. Give thought to how your past experiences can help? (Education and knowledge is a wonderful thing!) Learning new things from each other just makes all of us more informed and perhaps as a result, a better decision is reached.
...and although Harry's song didn't necessarily end on a happy note, I'm confident that if we all work together and take advantage of the work place diversity and learn from each other that this story line......will end much more successfully....
coming:....Telework, New technologies, Fiscal responsibilities, The Edison factor,
While I truly have pondered on the important message that you're trying to communicate through this blog, I have to thank-you for making me think about my Harry Chapin Greatest Hits CD. While Cats In The Cradle and W.O.L.D. got the most recognition on the radio, I really enjoy some of the more obscure songs that Harry wrote and sang. He had an amazing talent that was crushed way too soon. Thanks! I'm going to dig those CDs out tonight.
The latest blog has relevance to a recent experience with my 5 and 7 year old sons. Both played their first baseball games of the season last night. Tyler, the youngest is playing T-ball/coach pitch and Tyson is playing machine pitch. Both had wonderful games last night. Tyler went 2 for 2 at the plate both being single hits without using the T. Tyson went 2 for 2 with 2 fly ball doubles. He also fielded a grounder and made an out while playing 3rd base then made another out while playing 1st baseman. The boys and parents were both proud!!!
Our boys accomplished more last evening on the ball field than I did my entire baseball career! Mostly because I was turned off to baseball as a child because I didn't practice enough and therefore wasn't very good. Not to take away from the kids but a lot of their success has to do with the time I/we spend practicing with them in the back yard. Most evenings you can find us out in the yard playing catch, taking batting practice, practicing flag football(both play that too) or just playing a game of kickball. Even Mom get's involved in the action when we play mock games!! We want to see our kids succeed not fail!
We can apply the same philosophy at MDC. If you see someone who needs a little help in an area....take the initiative to help them out. If you have a skill set they don't, share your knowledge!!! It's quite rewarding to watch your efforts pay off through the actions of others. No only are the little moral victories and personal accomplishments rewarding to them, so are the overall benefits to the team whether it's a little league baseball game or moving Conservation forward!
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