"Everything rises or falls on leadership."
John Maxwell

"The scope and scale of the ability to Lead is defined by the demonstration of the commitment to Serve."
J E Garr III

'The leader of the past was a person who told,’ Peter Drucker once said. ‘The leader of the future will be a person who asks.’
Robert Kramer, director, exec ed programs, American University


"Leadership is about change. It’s about taking people from where they are now to where they need to be. The best way to get people to venture into unknown terrain is to make it desirable by taking them there in their imaginations.”
Noel Tichy, "The Leadership Engine"

Monday, May 14, 2007

...The Vision

Well, I hope everybody had the opportunity to enjoy the nice calm weather we had this past weekend. I noticed many folks had the time to mow their lawns that had flourished with the spring rains. Speaking of rain, I was happy to hear the crest forecast for the MO River had dropped, while still high and troublesome to many....it was as bad as first predicted.

Also this weekend we celebrated Mother's Day. Now that is something every human on Earth has in common...a Mother. Have you ever spent any time wondering about the things you have in common with others? Do you wonder what we have in common with other members of the human race?... or perhaps a smaller sub-section of it... as members of MDC. I've given that thought numerous times. From the 10,000 foot view, I believe most of us working here believe we work for one of the best Conservation Agencies in existence, many believe very strongly in the mandate, many believe the Fish, Forest and Wildlife resources are better because we (MDC) exists...We believe we, together, are making a difference...

What creates that common bond? Well, in our Mothers Day example...it is genetic, by birth we have that common bond. But what about in our work? What brings all of us together to worry about the critters, trees, or the fish? What do you say?

I'd offer that it is because we all share a very similar "vision." We share a keen interest in some aspect of what we all believe MDC stands for. This doesn't necessarily mean we all share the same thoughts or ideas or even that we all completely believe in every aspect of the ideology. We are human, we are not genetically identical to everyone else around us....we have differences. We can and do view things differently...and that can be very good. This leads to creativity within the Organization and helps it grow and move forward. What is important for the creativity to be of value...is that we all share the Vision.

While we are not all visionaries....we do have visionaries within this Organization. We need those individuals...they help us to make sense of a more broad vision. These individuals help identify specific, strategic initiatives that help the entire organization focus their vision, thoughts, and efforts. They are LEADERS....!

So what does this mean...? Well, perhaps if we are paying attention to what is happening around us...we would see that the "Visionaries" have helped streamline part of our "Vision," case in point--"The Next Generation." Broad but clear, strategic ideas have been placed in front of us to help focus our vision, our commitment, and our individualized expertise, towards improving Conservation. Now its our job to utilize our individualism, our own expertise, our own drive/desire to begin implementing that more broad Vision.

That my friend is one of the highest compliments I can think of in the work place...."Here's an idea/concept or task....now go implement it" That type of directive is one of trust in our competency....what I hear is: "We want to go here, now use the skills we know you have, to get us there....we trust you."

Give that some thought. We've heard from Leadership, (The Next Generation), we have skills/resources available, we all share a common vision and support for the work we do....Now it's up to us to make it happen. All should give this directive serious consideration. We all have an important role to play in implementing this plan. I would encourage all of you to study the plan, understand its intent, "see" what the visionaries have laid before us, make it your own. Add your touch of creativity and make it meaningful to the people we serve...and in the mean time, I'll bet you even enjoy that part of your work.....isn't that why you are here?


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